This graph shows the (weekly averaged) number of dayly departures from AMS in the Mode-S archive, from 01/01/2019 until 31/12/2024. Aircraft size Emb120 and up, militairy aircraft excluded.
Green = 2019, red = 2020, purple = 2021, blue = 2022, cyan=2023, olive=2024 :
All KLM-departures show a similar pattern, reaching 2019-levels by end 2023 :
KLM's longhaul-flights remain slightly behind:
KLM's shorthaul-flights are slightly higher. This includes wetleasing:
KLM B737 (Fleet got smaller ~50 - > 43 aircraft):
KLC Embraers without leasing. Fleet grew, but engine & crew-issues:
The A330-fleet stopped flying, and came back again slowly to ~70%:
The B777 + B787 quickly went back to, and are now above pre-COVID levels:
Martinair's cargo flight show hardly any disruption. 2023 and 2024 were -10%:
Transavia had taken two clear hits. Back to normal since mid 2021.
TUI had also recovered by mid-2021. Their production halves in winter:
CND (Corendon Dutch Airlines) flights show an ever stronger seasonal pattern:
And all Easyjet flights from AMS. They almost stopped completely twice:
Then a graph showing an estimate of the total noise produced.
The olive line is well below the green one, compare with total flights in first graph...
In 2019 only 6% of all departures were done by the most silent aircraft types (A220, A320N, A330N,A350,E2,B737M,B787).
In 2024 this was 24%.
10^((Average takeoff + approach noise level of type in dB) / 10 ) , accumulated.